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Schefter Poultry Processing was initially opened in 1977 by Jim and Marion Schefter to help market their breeder/broiler flock. Small flock grower interest grew and the business expanded, until market conditions caused the business to close its doors in 1997.
In 2003, demand and a lack of processors inspired Dale Schefter to entertain the notion of reopening Schefter Poultry. With three years of part-time researching, regulation understanding, permit approvals and bank loans being secured, the reconstruction began in January 2006. With the help of many dedicated individuals the plant began operations on July 13, 2006.
Initial processing consisted of whole dressed birds in poly bags.
Schefter Poultry has evolved to offer shrink bagging, custom cutting options with vac packaging, multi-species specialization, and a sophisticated traceability SOP to ensure each customer gets their own birds back. Custom bird processing is our specialty. Minimum number in order required = 1!